Tuesday, February 27, 2018

can i wear heals when i am pregnant

When it comes to safety, pregnant women in all over the world want to know if they can wear heels. if you search directly this question that "can i wear high heels when i am pregnant" you find the answer myth: pregnant woman should not wear high. There is a risk of falling Expecting moms can certainly wear high-heeled shoes. without harming or harming their unborn babies but there is a risk of falling. Pregnancy can be a clumsy time for women your center of gravity change when you get more and more pregnant. Since the growing baby pushes her center of gravity forward, it can throw off your balance.         

Pregnant women are not made of glass, but it’s always safer for moms-to-be to err on the side of caution, especially in the following situations:

Long Hikes - Although walking is a safe exercise for healthy pregnant women, poor balance, jagged rocks, and pregnancy are a risky combination. Avoid uneven terrain. Better yet, stick to walking trails.

Horseback Riding - Even the most experienced horseback rider can have an accident. The risk here is not only falling but also getting kicked by the horse if it gets scared.

Theme Park Rides - The jerking movements of amusement park rides are no-nos for the safety of an unborn child. The bumping and jostling can cause the placenta to separate from the uterine wall. Stay away from water slides, too.